
Oftentimes, senior executives realize their success with great personal sacrifice. While others were getting married, starting families, and developing outside of work, they were building a great business. Or, perhaps a family was started, but now the leader spends so little time and attention on the people he/she loves most, the original vision for a great family has fallen short. Or maybe life is just calling towards a new endeavor—but it’s unclear exactly what that might be and where it may lead.

While there are tremendous rewards for commercial success, it’s natural for everyone to ask the question, “Is this all there is?” In these moments, our coaches stand out because of our personal approach, formal training in human development, sophistication and discretion, understanding of the executive’s work and life context, and experience walking alongside senior executives and their spouses in the personal realm.

The way we see it, the executive remains the same human being at work and at home, which is why we started our Private Advisory practice: to be there for our clients however they need us.

When to Invest in a Private Advisory Partnership

Life presents various transitional stages when we reexamine the entirety of our lives. Simplified, we often see these transitions with the dawn of each new life decade, but they can come at any meaningful inflection point. The decisions made during these times greatly impact one’s life trajectory as it relates to relationships, career, finances, health, sense of purpose, autonomy, and overall life satisfaction. If approached with care and wisdom, transitions have the power to spark either a growth spurt in maturity or a destabilizing risk with long term consequences. Common inflection points include career changes, decisions to get and stay married, significant changes in health or finances, an amplification of calling or sense of purpose, or an amplification of life dissonance and dysfunctional relationships. While we encourage clients to engage friends and family about these topics, we also strongly advise working with a professional coach to: go deep, achieve clarity, set a vision, backwards map the plan to get there, define the values and factors that will drive decision making, establish an accountability partner, access resources and specialists that inform next steps, and overall have a professionally trained guide during the transition.
