The transition from investment manager to business builder requires leadership development.

The pathway to leadership in private equity firms, family offices, hedge funds, and large investment companies tends to be through a traditional investment tract in which technical capacity is paramount. Once in a C-Suite or Managing Director role, however, the skillsets required to succeed involve more than just investment savvy. Common pain points include:

  • Co-creating and articulating vision and a competitive strategy while also remaining responsive to market uncertainties

  • Collaborating with and leading alongside cross-functional stakeholders

  • Delegating, motivating, and retaining investment managers while preserving excellence and no longer being immersed in all the details

  • Building systems and infrastructure that enable the firm to rapidly scale its geographic reach, deal flow, reporting efficiency, communication, and servicing within a lean operating model, while improving quality

  • Building brand identity and distinction within a saturated and competitive investment ecosystem

  • Foreseeing and adapting to the emergence of technologies and market innovation

  • Building investment platforms and strategic partnerships

  • Preserving mental, emotional, physical and familial health while working tirelessly, traveling, and carrying the weight of countless, competing demands

Processing these and other issues can be challenging for an investment leader, especially because it is often difficult to appear vulnerable, uncertain, fearful, angry, messy, or otherwise imperfect in front of clients, colleagues, and investment partners. Senior-level issues also tend to be confidential, complex, and predictably persistent, so sharing with friends and family is generally an inappropriate, insufficient, and unsystematic solution.

We believe—and numerous data points confer—that investing in a qualified executive coach yields the highest ROI for investment executives when faced with such challenges. Given the financial and human impact of investment decisions, all it takes is one misstep to cause debilitating issues, blow up an important transaction, compromise excellence, generate bad press, cripple trust, or prompt an undesirable resignation. Leaders under such pressure feel constantly overwhelmed and are at risk of crumbling without adequate support—as superhuman as investors can feel, they remain human and everyone has a breaking point. Alternatively, our goal is to equip investment leaders with the capacity they need to not just survive, but thrive as an individual and as a team.

If you are an investment executive who identifies with any of what we’ve outlined above, we welcome a conversation to discuss how we can help.